Taylor Jenkins Reid
Kindle Version pages 343
Purchased for review by self
Elsie Porter was your typical no fools about her kind of girl. She has her best friend Ana and they are completely the opposite, Ana is the type of girl that flies by the seat of her pants. All Elsie has ever really been was the good friend, listener, and there when she was needed.
That was until Ben Ross came along... A world win romance, a love of a life time. They are what you call Supernova...
When Ben passes away unexpectedly, Elsie is there heartbroken and lost. When she is now faced to meet her Mother in Law - Susan, and how do you explain that you are the love of her only son's life and that you took that vow less than two weeks ago. The fight begins...
Will Elsie and Susan come to terms with the loss of Ben and come together as friends or swear to hate each other for all of their lives.
Taylor Jenkins Reid write with such emotion I found myself entwined in her characters lives. I laughed, I cried, I was sad, and angry! What a rollercoaster ride. I would recommend this book to all.
5 of 5 stars
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I don't think I've ever heard of this author or book. I think i'll have to check it out. :)